5 Benefits to White-Labeling Your Telemedicine Service

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Why is white-labeling a telemedicine login page a big bonus when it comes to patient engagement?

We understand that you want your telemedicine service to be as simple as possible for your patients. With CloudVisit, you can choose to make your page as simple or complex as you choose. So, why is a customized landing page for patient logins and registrations so important?
1. Your patients never have to leave your website.
With a white-labeled login portal, your patients will never feel like they’re leaving your website or using a third-party service. At CloudVisit, we match the look and feel of your existing website for a seamless transition into telemedicine.
2. Easy-to-find login portal.
Your portal will always be on your own domain name. We create a subdomain for your login page, so your patients can easily remember the URL. Looking for telemedicine.mydoctor.com is much simpler than having to remember third-party access.
3. Patients feel more secure offering their credit card information.
For patients who do not make online shopping as part of their regular routine will appreciate seeing your logo and name on the portal prior to having to enter billing details.
4. Your contact information is always visible.
Every CloudVisit telemedicine login page saves room for your office location and contact information, so if your patients have any questions, they don’t have to go back to your website’s contact page.
5. Use telemedicine as a marketing tool!
Standing out from other physicians in the area is a great perk. But, offering a third-party-branded telemedicine service can have its downsides. With your customized login portal, you can truly market the service as YOUR solution. We talked more in depth about using telemedicine to market your practice in a previous blog post, “How Can Telemedicine Be Used to Market Your Practice?
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